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Minutes General Assembly 7th December


started at 7pm in the kitchen due to strong wind.



  1. brief review of ODS actions at the Dail yesterday
  2. discussion – ODS: strategy, structure and purpose of GAs


  1. ODS was protesting in front of the Dail yesterday. We had pots and pans, leafleting. Lots of attention from ordinary passers by, lots of support and ‘fair play to yous’. We also occupied the Ministry of Agriculture, the European House and Davy’s foyer. We managed to hold the TDs for four hours staging a peaceful sit in in front of the Dail’s gates. We were physically removed by the police. A number of people got injured during the night and had to seek medical attention. An ambulance was called to the site as one of the protesters – John – was seriously injured by a policeman who, unprovoked, pushed him and threw him on the ground. The videos of the incident are up on YouTube (here and here).

ñ Proposal 1 – direct actions good for the occupy movement and should be an important part of ODS’ strategy. One direct action every day.

Agreed by consensus.

ñ Reaching out to communities and encouraging them to make use of some of the tools developed by Occupy. We can help them start things but then it is up to them to take the matters in their own hands.

ñ ODS does not want to be just another group – it is not about us in the Occupy – it is about the people in the communities, neighbourhoods, etc. Occupy can help them facilitate reclaiming their spaces.

ñ Let’s also expose the oppression of the state. Occupy movements in other countries were able to use this to their advantage.

ñ Not all direct actions need to be ‘aggressive’, there may be less ‘banging’.

Reply: sit in in front of the Dail might have looked aggressive but earlier occupations of the governmental buildings weren’t – good spirit. When we come in, we always emphasise that we have no intention of causing any damage or harm to anybody.

ñ Let’s be aware that the corporate media and the authorities want to see us as a bunch of criminals.

ñ Proposal 2 – a projector on site to show an info documentary to the public for tomorrow (Thursday, 8th December).

Agreed by consensus.


We then moved to discussing the structure and purpose of GAs. People voiced their concerns that the working groups were not proactive enough and that it is difficult to take actions. It was suggested that at the Active Participants Meeting tomorrow, people propose to have a changing and rotating passwords for FB, Twitter and YT and distribute them to a few people on the ground so that info can reach people faster.

ñ Proposal 3 – Structure of GAs (brought forward by Laurence):

1. These guidelines can only be amended by a general assembly.


2.1. Unless somebody is under suspension all people have a right to attend all meetings, and cannot be restricted from attendance.
2.2. However someone whose behaviour causes serious obstruction or disruption to the meeting can be removed from that meeting if a proposal to that effect is carried.
2.3. All meetings must be advertised in advance.
2.4. There will be no proxy voting or co‐option.
2.5. Participation is restricted to individuals; no external organisation of any type will have any vote or deciding role.


3.1. The function of General Assembly is to approve proposals for policies and large scale plans, political directions.
3.2. The facilitation group will appoint a chairperson and minute taker who are responsible for its smooth running.
3.3. General Assemblies must be run in concordance with its written guidelines. These can only be changed at a General Assembly
3.4. The date of the next meeting will be decided at every meeting. It is the duty of the secretary to advertise the date and time decided.
3.5. Decisions of the GA are binding on the APM and working groups.
3.6. The agenda of the General Assembly will be set by the General Assembly itself.
3.7. The agenda and any proposals must be advertised widely at least three days in advance. This is the responsibility of the Facilitation Group. People who attend the meeting are required to read the proposals or documents prior to the meeting.


4.1. The function of the APM is to coordinate activities in conjunction with the working groups and to make plans and propose policies to the GA.
4.2. The agenda of the APM will consist of proposals from the working groups, which need to be made in advance of the meeting.
4.3. Decisions of the APM will be made by one member from each working group.
4.4. The facilitation group will appoint a facilitator and secretary for this meeting.
4.5. Active participant meetings must be run in concordance with its written guidelines which can only be changed at a General Assembly.
4.6. The APM decisions are binding on the working groups


5.1. A working group works on specific areas of business as defined by a written mandate which defines exactly what they do, what they can do of their own volition, and what they need to propose to APM or GA. This mandate is decided by the General Assembly.
5.2. Working groups are created or removed by the GA as it sees fit. The GA will appoint the first convenor.
5.3. All activity done in occupy dame street must first consult and co-ordinate with the relevant working group.
5.4. The functions working groups are:
5.4.1. To implement plans by carrying out the tasks in its area of interest,
5.4.2. To make feasibility studies and make plans where necessary
5.4.3. Make proposals to APM or GA if needed on plans or policies.

5.5. Each working groups will have a convenor whose function is
5.5.1. To ensure that a member of the group attend the APM.
5.5.2. To organise the groups meetings and ensure that it chooses a facilitator and minute taker.
5.5.3. The convenor role must be rotated on a regular basis.
5.5.4. To make a weekly report of activities to the APM
5.5.5. To ensure that the group accounts to the treasurer for the budget of the group.
5.5.6 Other than the duties stated above, the convenor is not a manager of the group. All members of the group are equally responsible for its decisions and workload.


6.1. All people involved have an unrestricted right to information on all areas of business of Occupy Dame Street.
6.2. All people who work in the movement have a right to communicate with all other people involved. That right must be facilitated at all times.”


Amendments: says ‘a chairperson’, should say ‘two co-facilitators’.

3.4.says ‘the secretary’, should say ‘a facilitator’.

3.7.says ‘the agenda and any proposals must be advertised widely three days in advance’, should say ‘ the agenda and any proposals are advertised widely and preferably, three days in advance’. contentious. More discussion in a larger GA needed. contentious. More discussion in a larger GA needed.

7.1.says ‘right to information on all areas of business of Occupy Dame Street’ should say ‘ right to information on all areas of activities and affairs of Occupy Dame Street’.


Consensus that Proposal 3 should be discussed further at a GA next week and decision will be made then.




-      Proposal that we discuss how the ODS money is spent (should go to an Active Participants Meeting).

-      Proposal that there is an investigation on why and how the solar panel got damaged (Active Participants meeting).

-      Proposal that minutes from the working groups are posted on the website (should be brought up again when making decision about the structures of GAs).

-      There was a meeting of Occupy Exchange today and the Exchange is willing to be open to us for GAs etc. (to keep us warm during winter)

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General Assembly 28-11-11

Day 52


Given the recent consensus to reschedule GAs for Monday, Wednesday & Friday, with active participation meetings on Tuesday & Thursday, tonight’s GA relates to agenda items for both.


A number of items came from last Saturday’s Irish Occupy meeting, with participants from camps in Belfast, Cork, Galway, Limerick, Waterford & Dublin.


Items for this week’s agenda:

-             Emergency response plan for
supporting other #Occupy Groups in times of crisis

-             Sending people to help support the camp in Rossport (Shelltosea)

-             Plan to move people between occupations in Ireland.

-             Discussion of the use of existing online forum. How this can best help Irish occupy groups.

-             Conversation regarding the Irish constitution (“Arrows Not Targets”). The Government are to begin accepting submissions for amendments the constitution. Proposal to look at coordinated submission between occupy camps.

-             Discuss proposals for direct actions relating to specific budget cuts.




1. Budget actions & constitution submissions to be discussed in this weeks GAs. All other items to be discussed at meetings on Tuesday or Thursday.


2. Budget actions to be prioritised this week. Consensus to discuss on Wednesday and give some time on Friday, followed by discussion of Constitution proposals.


Any Other Business:


1. Wednesday – a soup kitchen will be set up outside the Dail to feed hungry people. Helpers needed. Farmers are contributing produce for the soup kitchens.

2. The Spectacle of Defiance & Hope were on site to discuss the plan for next Saturday and play a music set.



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General Assembly Minute’s 26/11/11 3.30pm
Facilitators: Dave / Mark
Notes: Thom

Reach out to the audience
What occupy means to them and how occupy can be improved.
Week 8:
We are Occupy Cork, Waterford, Limerick, Letterkenny, Belfast, and Galway!
Welcoming people from all the Occupies on the island to General Assembly.
March today – chant – mic check
Ordinary people / different ages.
Cork:        Great position – Occupy Ireland forging links.

Waterford:    We cannot go back to the way it was before. Change. Occupy your mind.

Galway:    Our problems are the same but different. You cannot kill a good idea. It’s all about the 99%.

Limerick:    They say you can’t change things, but we can go to the streets, create awareness – get other people involved – spread the word.

Belfast:    This is what democracy is.  We’re sending a message to people at home, giving hope. People agree, they think the same.

We have to work together. We will work. We are working together.

General Public:

  • It is a long journey – it is civil obedience that has let this country go, we need disobedience.
  • Last week 17 camps from Ireland and the UK linked up.
  • Well received whilst visiting a class in Trinity last week.
  • Occupy Liverpool has just started.
  • This is a global Movement. One nation cannot do everything. It is a movement.
  • Create a gift chain between Ireland and UK.
  • Need to show solidarity with US occupations that have been moved. Picket the Embassy?
  • Take part in reviewing the Constitution – Michael D. Proposal on this topic read out.
  • We are the lawmakers. We can fire politicians if we so wish. Iceland are doing this.
  • Become the lawmakers. Be the arrow not the target!
  • Young girl: sees hope, revolution is not a one-time thing it is ongoing for all the poverty stricken countries that do not have a voice. We are their voice.
  • €5 trillion, estimated, worth of natural gas off the west coast. Be aware the IMF will take that.
  • Many different people are under financial pressure.
  • Ruining kids chances of getting on in adult life.
  • People from all walks of life gathering together, it’s amazing. Questions being asked that would never had been asked before and people talking. We have to work together in large numbers.
  • Working class people and communities are under particular pressure. Community groups asking people to join the Spectacle of Defiance and Hope event on Saturday 3rd December
  • Special Needs Assistants being taken away, and families of children with special needs are suffering
  • Looking for social, political and economic change. Take inspiration from the global social justice movement, Zapatistas in 1994, Battle for Seattle in 1999. Remember the billion people around the world who are hungry, who are   suffering because of this economic system.
  • Egypt: 200 people died protecting an area like Dame St. they’ve called out for an election, things are changing. The military are still in power, we want to put ourselves up for democracy. Can’t rely on the government as they’ll stay in power and nothing will change.
  • Economic change
  • Remember we are one planet and we need to care for the environment.
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General Assembly Minutes – 25/11/11

Proposal: To Change Structure of General Assemblies

- A trial run of a different system. similar to what is effectively used in larger Occupies
- 3 GAs a week with decision making powers
- Agenda to be published in advance – online and posted in the kitchen so everyone can find out what will be discussed and when
- Separate In-House and sub-group issues which should not be brought up at GAs – need to define what these issues are
- Seek to base the GAs on proposals. The subgroup relating to a particular issue will have an open meeting to discuss options.
- The other two evenings per week will be in-house meetings for everyone involved in #Occupy
- We have a team of mediators who are ready to come to the camp to create a list of issues which we need to address to ensure our survival and create effective communications
- Mediators will act as impartial facilitators, teach us coping strategies for conflict and help us resolve issues between us
- Subgroups have a meeting open to all on a fixed day at a fixed time. Volunteers commit to tasks to organise actions. They take action based on common sense and report back to the GA.
- This format to be adopted next week for a trial period of one week.

- Somebody asked what was the purpose of the GA. A brief synopsis was given.
- A question was asked about the fundamentals of the proposal. A reply came that they wanted to get the structure sorted first.
- Some confusion on the GA proposal
- Clarify on the website, issue of the blog, topic for sub-groups. The point was made that we went off-topic and has to be sorted out in sub groups. We need more ideas on the proposals
- It was clarified that the subgroups meet before the GA and then they sort out their ideas then, or things are sent back to the subgroups from GA, then actions or decisions are made and brought back to GA
- A person stated that we need to define what the actual GA is, and the in-house meeting is the last call for making the decisions that are brought up in GA meetings. He said that in-house meetings aren’t interested in the GA meetings
- A person stated that we need to have active participants meetings instead of in-house and clarify what the GA meetings are.

Proposal to run this structure for a trial week starting on Monday was agreed by consensus

It was also proposed that during this trial the GAs be held at 6:30pm

Decision – this was approved by consensus.

Discussion on in-house meetings
- suggestion of co-ordination meeting
- the in-house meetings are for everyone, also points/suggestions are needed and are welcome but need to be put into action. Volunteers for coordination group needed!

Other business

A comment was made that we are talking ourselves into talking and no action
- reply came to improve the running of different groups
- having open GA is too slow
- we’re trying to set up the right structure and turned into a large debate
- response came that we need a framework, discussion is needed. Rather than people just giving their input with no action after – we’re giving people a chance to get more involved
- Direct response was made that we encourage people by showing organisation.

A point was raised about armbands

The Environmental group is having a craftwork soap making/knitting session this Thursday

Saturday’s GA will be held at 3pm after the DCTU march at 12pm. A meeting in the Exchange with other #occupy groups from around Ireland will follow after the GA
- A direct point was made that the Sat GA should be at 3:30
- A question was asked if the meeting had been made public, the suggestion was made to put notice up online and on facebook.

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General Assembly



  • Announcement about the upcoming Spectacle of Defiance (SD) street theatre march happening on 3 Dec and 2pm from City Hall. (more info at An ODS subgroup will work with the SD, in particular …
    • SD need a sound truck
    • SD want us to add our voice
    • SD are coming to ODS this Monday for the GA and beforehand to chat.
    • SD need help with fundraising
  • Outreach
    • How does the ODS movement go forward.
    • Move Occupy University events to outside the camp also.
    • Support resources for the camp
    • Use camp as exhibition space.
    • Tomorrow (Thursday) there will be an Outreach group meeting at 4.30pm.
    • Attitude in camp of superiority (campers to 99%)
  • The Meeting then broke into groups to discuss how Outreach for ODS might be developed.
    • Group 1:
      • Occupy UCD
      • One day a week at university – info desk, flyers, mic check
      • Support other campaigns – find events actively
      • Link groups involved in SD – come and talk at ODS
      • Build relationships, people connections
      • Songs of struggle – link – 16th December
      • Grassroots groups – Rossport/Anti-Fascist Action – with same issues different angles
    • Group 2:
      • Post Flyers
      • Contact food coop
      • Make events more clear – what’s currently happening
    • Group 3:
      • Reach out to communities and national organisations with similar aims.
      • Highlight the benefits of working with ODS. What can ODS do for you? What can you do

for ODS?

      • Communicate/Collaborate e.g. Debt & Development Coalition 60 orgs, Irish Environmental

Organisation, Broken Justice Movement, umbrella organisations + target individuals.

    • Group 4:
      • Clarify assembly procedures, mock assemblies to show how it works.
      • Be more welcoming at the camp.
      • Lack of communication between camp and media group.
      • Irish language group.
      • Occupy Cafe
      • Bank of ideas in London – access point to Occupy
    • Proposals from Talk
      • Pearse College – talk and mock assembly
      • groups and individuals from ODS or anybody for that matter who feels inspired by Occupy should take responsibility for taking some of occupy ideas and practises like the GAs into the places, groups they are involved
      • Camp does not want to be insular
        • needs help
      • Outreach to Students
        • focus assignments + papers on ODS related issues
        • link studies nationally and internationally
          • broad range of subjects
        • Creative Collaboration
        • Spread Occupy Awareness
        • Large Arts group from Wexford + NCAD on Friday – Art and info session
        • Solutions – need more people – re-invigorate
      • A specific welcome area where someone would be designated to answer questions.
    • Outreach Team asked for
      • liasing with other Occupiers
      • Flyering team
      • Research volunteers
      • The camp cannot look like a subculture – we are everyone
      • Exhibitions here
      • District Outreach – assemblies/events outside Dame Street
    • Call for more people at GA’s. People power to make outreach work.


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Meeting Minutes from the General Assembly on Tuesday November 22nd 2011

Introduction including hand signals…

Agenda this evening –     Direct Actions

Challenge: come up with 12 direct actions tonight

from Cathleen O’Neill, a community organizer with Spectacle of Defiance and Hope

  1. Collect change for the homeless and people in need
  2. Leave building materials outside banks, in lieu of 5 or 10 euros off an individual’s mortgage
  3. Mic Check in banks
  4. Flash Protest – 12/15 people take signs and placards to St. Stephen’s Green, Grafton Street and at a sign to FREEZE, and to flier people as they pass by.
  5. During lunch hour traffic, get a group of people to react at an alarm sound, to lie down on the street to stop traffic for 60 seconds, till the next alarm sounds, and then to rise again.
  6. Mortgage Strike – to be decided how this would be coordinated
  7. Choose a day to march continuously up Kildare Street and back down Dawson Street where government offices are located, with our placards
  8. Organise a dance flash mob
  9. World Wide Occupy Movement Mic Check on New Year’s Eve
  10. Online and paper petition against the next tranche of the payment to unsecured bondholders
  11. National School teacher to take a class to local AIB bank and hold a class
  12. Target students in the local colleges to facilitate Occupy UCD, Trinity etc.
  13. Pick a night where a group of people put fliers and posters everywhere, all around the city.
  14. Print our own money, up to the value of the debt, and make a spectacle of making a gift of that money to the bank.
  15. Give a piece of art to the bank, that represents the Occupy movement.
  16. Make bumper / car stickers for cars and taxi’s so they are mobile around the city.
  17. Place stickers on coins themselves so that they pass between people.
  18. Write ‘Occupy Dame Street’ on our banknotes.
  19. Serve an eviction order to Dail Eireann.
  20. Go into banks where mortgages are held and repossess their furniture/equipment.
  21. Organise a flash mob outside constituency offices or outside a hospital that is about to be closed or is affected by cuts.

Any Other Business:

  • A proposal to upload an online petition on the ODS website to ask for a BAN on HYDRAULIC FRACTURING (FRACKING) for UNCONVENTIONAL GAS from shale.  Consensus was reached to go ahead with the petition.


  • A discussion is to be had on the format of the GA to make them more effective.  A proposal is to use the GA on Monday, Wednesday and Friday for DECISION MAKING POWERS and the GA’s on Tuesday and Thursday can be used for sub-groups and in-house meetings.

It is necessary to solidify the GA policy, e.g. what happens when something gets blocked?

  • Confirmation was given in response to a question that we have a firm of solicitors who are acting on our behalf.


  • Leaked documents from the American Bankers Association are online today about the fact that they are coordinating a plan to counter the global Occupy movement, and the have even set aside a fund of $850,000 to fund this plan.  This can be used to the advantage of the Occupy movement and shows that it is having an impact.


  • Proposal to put an invitation to Central Bank to mediate a dialogue between us, to engage with them in how to move forward.


  • Suggestion that we need to work on a proposal for a solution that will benefit the 99% globally.  Volunteers for a working group are invited to meet with Clare tomorrow (Wednesday) evening at 7.30pm at the camp.


  • Beryl from the Lucan / Clondalkin community group extends an invite to participants of the ODS to attend a workshop tomorrow evening (Wednesday) at 5.30 at CCU/CCEDS Aras Rualach, Centre for the Unemployed, Nellstown Road, Clondalkin, Dublin 22, and to sign a Book of Grievances in solidarity with the Spectacle of Defiance and Hope.


  • A national meeting of the Occupy Movements is to take place this Saturday evening, November 26th, after the DCTU march.


  • A FUNDRAISER is to take place this Saturday evening, November 26th in Cassidys, Westmoreland Street, Dublin 2.


  • There is a protest outside the Egyptian embassy this Saturday, November 26th at 3pm, in solidarity with the events this week in Tahrir Square.


  • An Irish Conversation Group is to meet this and every Tuesday at 8pm at the camp.


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Meeting Minutes from General Assembly Monday November 21st 2011
Facilitators: Sharon and Dave

Intro with day 45 of Occupy Dame Street, usual reminders, hand signals etc.
3 items on the agenda:

  1. Brief Report on what happened with the courts this morning
  2. Discussion on how to move the Occupy movement forward
  3. Plan for the next 4 days of agendas for General Assemblies


  1. Report from the courts – Dave

Information was received evening of Sunday 20th Nov from a number of sources from that a court order against Occupy Dame Street may be brought on Monday 21st Nov.  A call was sent out for support to attend the Four Courts at 9.30am this morning, Monday.  People went but there was nothing on the formal dockets for a court injunction.  Another procedure that could have been applied was an ad hoc motion brought to a judge over the course of the day, so we had observers set up in 3 of the courts all day.   No court action has been initiated against us, and we are getting ourselves prepared for future actions against us.
An injunction can be called at any time, and on this occasion it may have been a mis-communication.  We can turn this into a positive event, with our quick response and it presents a good place to move forward from.  One positive outcome was a protest outside the offices of Dublin City Council which resulted in a meeting being planned for 2pm tomorrow (Tuesday) with representatives of the camp regarding homelessness. Positive connections have also been made in getting legal representation for Occupy Dame Street if needed.

  1. How do we move forward?

MEDIA:     We need more media attention to raise our profile, suggestion put forward to reach out to the media ourselves – so instead of waiting for the media to contact us, we get in touch with them directly ourselves.
DIRECT ACTIONS:    A challenge was issued by Cathleen O’Neill to come up with 12 direct action ideas by next Monday.  We need to use this morning’s confusion over the court action to mobilise support from otherwise passive supporters of the movement – we should use examples from Zucotti park and others to do this.
OUTREACH:    We need to coordinate outreach to community groups and others, including DCTU and other groups who can mobilise people quickly.  An OPEN DAY is proposed for Saturday December 3rd, and a subsequent proposal is for a weekly open day event for community groups to be invited to come down to the camp EVERY SUNDAY.
Suggestion also that we need to go out and get more people down to the camp, through organisations like the Anti-Racism Network, the Kurdish and Traveller communities and others.
SOLUTIONS:    A solutions group is required as it comes up constantly in questions from members of the general public.
FLIER DISTRIBUTION:    Steven Bedford will take names from volunteers to take fliers ready at hand on camp, to be distributed on Grafton Street, Camden Street, at dole offices, on buses, at home etc.  Steven will set up a book of names for volunteers.
Permission requested for a budget allocation of between €100 and €200 for the fliers and posters to get them printed.
MORE ON OUTREACH:     Suggestion to initiate assembly ENABLERS.  We need to move into communities and facilitate and resource others to hold assemblies connecting to specific issues in those communities, in small groups – to facilitate an enabling of general assemblies being held in the wider community, and not just on Dame Street.  One issue that could be brought to the communities could be the reduction of the children’s allowance of €10 per week.
STUDENTS:    Suggestion to have a day or week-long occupation for students of all the different colleges, where the students can practice consensus decision making processes.
Suggestion also to have college students here to use the occupy movement as a subject for assignments in college, to relate them specifically to the banking crisis, which should be tied in with the outreach program.
We have an art crew coming down from NCAD over the next few days, to facilitate an outreach to them.
Suggestion to talk to FEE (Free Education for Everyone), who are interested in getting involved.
Suggestion to send out letters to lecturers and invite them to create a committee who can gather at the college once a week, and to get them involved.
CAMP:        Suggestion that we need more information on the camp for people that drop by, and we need volunteers to man the tables to make the camp more approachable.
We need a generator – suggestion that we may be getting a bicycle operated generator.
CONTINGENCY PLAN:    We need to prepare a contingency plan for when the state does try to close us down – are we ready for that?
SPECTACLE OF DEFIANCE AND HOPE:    Suggestion to express our support and alliance with the march being held on Saturday December 3rd, as it is totally in line with what ODS is about.  The  extent to which we can get involved should be an agenda item this week.  The next meeting is tomorrow morning (Tuesday) at 9.30am in Liberty Hall, and more attendees are welcome.  Please talk to Aubrey.
REPUDIATE THE DEBT GROUP:    Suggestion to use the expertise from this group who have done great work in analysing what debt is in fact sovereign and what is not.  A conference analysing this topic is being held on the morning of Saturday November 26th, and an invite is extended to participants of ODS.
LEGAL CHALLENGE:        Robin W. is putting together a list of names for a specific strategy group to establish how our 4 demands can be challenged constitutionally, eg.  The constitution states that the natural resources belong to Irish people, with a caveat of ministerial discretion.  We want people to sign up who can help with research for this group.  Please talk to Robin.
DIRECT ACTION – LETTERS:    During the Vietnam war, letter were written to staff at the arms factories to let them know what the impacts of their endeavours was having on the victims of war – it had an effect.  Suggestion to write letters to staff at banks in Ireland to let them know specific impacts of the behaviours of financial mismanagement.

3.    The days assigned to the topics for GA this week are:

TUESDAY – Direct Actions
WEDNESDAY – 1. Outreach – especially to Students, Community Groups and Others 2. Invitation to participate in Spectacle of Defiance and Hope event. 3.  Invitation from the Repudiate the Debt group 3.
THURSDAY – 2. Legal Challenges to Economic/State actions 2. Environment
FRIDAY – None as yet.

4.    Any Other Business

-     25 people were murdered today and 1,500 injured on Tahrir Square, and in a show of solidarity, PROPOSAL was made to rename the Occupy Dame Street plaza from ‘Liberty Square’ to ‘Tahrir Square’ for a period of 48 hours.  Consensus was reached for this decision. AGREED.

Suggestion to do something at the Egyptian embassy, maybe at 3pm on Saturday when a protest is due to take place in Egypt, and/ or a daily vigil.

  • Request was made for a permanent media centre on the camp.  A physical media drop station is required for any audio or video that has been created by any individual, to leave in a USB and in the format required.  A commitment was made to provide this facility with a laptop for at least an hour a day.  An information poster will be on camp and on the website to explain how to size the media, to upload it on youtube and tag it to DCTV.  Refer to Steven Bedford and Aubrey for the drop off method.
  • Representative from CLAIMING OUR FUTURE invites participants of ODS to attend a meeting this Wednesday evening from 7 – 9pm at the Carmelite community Centre on White Friar Street near Camden Street, to discuss the upcoming budget and alternative responses to our current economic situation.  The plan is to compile suggestions and to send them to local representatives and the meeting will be chaired by Vincent Brown.
  • A FUNDRAISER is due to be held this Saturday night, November 26th in Cassidy’s pub, with music and entertainment, to raise funds for a new generator.  Details are on the ODS website.


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General Assembly 18/11/11, 6pm


0.1 The aims and motivations of the movement were explained

0.2 The Agenda was read. The agenda is as follows:

  1. Discussion of the Household tax
  2. Proposal to read a letter from the Repudiate the Debt group
  3. Discussion of how people are greeted when they arrive at the camp
  4. Working Group Reports
  5. Any Other Business (A.O.B.)

0.3 It was decided to amend the agenda to read the letter from Repudiate the Debt group first

1.0 Letter from Repudiate the Debt

1.1 Occupy Dame Street invited to attend a conference on Pearse St. on December 3rd. A number of other groups with similar aims have also been invited to attend the conference

1.2 The organisers, Eoin O’Neill and Eugene McCarthy would ask that if the movement wishes to send representatives that it confirm its attendance as soon as possible.

1.3 It was proposed that this be discussed at a General Assembly (GA) next week.

1.4 Consensus reached that this be discussed at a GA next week.

2.0 Household Tax

2.1 The facilitator informed the crowd of the background of the household tax, using information from a factsheet from the Irish Times. The information is as follows

1. The tax will initially be 100 euro per annum (pa).

2. Commercial properties will be exempt from paying this tax.

3. The tax will take effect from January 1st 2012.

4. Householders will have 3 months to pay the tax. If they fail to pay the tax on time, they will be subject to a fine of 10 euro per month of arrears.

5. The household tax is expected to rise to €1200 per annum in the next few years.

2.2 A member expressed the opinion that this should be opposed and that opposing this should not be a contentious issue.

2.3 A member expressed the opinion that a campaign advocating opposition is beginning.

2.4 A member expressed the opinion that tax is voluntary, no law compels an individual to pay tax and that this tax is stealing more money from “us.”

2.5 A member expressed the opinion that s/he supports not paying and that it was an excuse to introduce more taxes.

2.6 A member expressed the opinion that this was an interesting opportunity as more than 100 meetings had already taken place around the country already and that the movement should take the example from Spain and Argentina and use this as an excuse to start neighbourhood assemblies, such as have happened in those countries.

2.7 A member expressed the opinion that we should setup a bus and that the movement should start to tour around.

2.8 A member asked for clarification about what the current topic of discussion was.

2.9 A member expressed the opinion that it was an aggressive, crude flat task and that this point should be emphasised when discussing and protesting this issue.

2.10 A proposal was made that a proposal be drawn up as to what the movement thinks about the household tax and that this be prepared for a GA next week.

2.11 A member informed the GA that this had already become law on July 12th and questioned what the aim of the discussion was.

2.12 A member expressed the opinion that the aim was to support opposition of the tax.

2.13 A member reminded the GA that the tax is due to take effect in January 2012.

2.14 A member expressed the opinion about the new kitchen and its status as a temporary structure. S/he also expressed the opinion that the police may use fire regulation as a means to shutdown the camp and that the movement should look into the legal aspects of fire evacuation plans.

2.15 A member expressed the opinion that all of the food is donated and that no fire is used.

2.16 A member expressed the opinion that a plan is needed.

3.0 Discussion of how people are greeted when they come to the camp.

3.1 A member expressed the opinion that with open arms during the day and that they still speak to people at night.

3.2 A member expressed the opinion that having a newsletter would be useful.

3.3 A member informed the GA that a newsletter already exists.

3.4 A member informed the GA that there is an information point at the camp and that a newsletter is sent out every week.

4.0 The facilitator asked if anyone had any items to add to the agenda for future assemblies.

4.1 A member proposed that a direct action to create a soup line outside the Dail be discussed.

4.2 A member expressed the opinion that it was not enough to come up with ideas for direct actions, that people were needed to carry them out and that if you thought something was a good idea you should do it.

4.3 A member expressed the opinion that this was a GA and that ideas should be welcomed.

4.4 A member talked about a direct action that members were working on for a member of the camp who is blind and homeless.

4.5 A member expressed the opinion that the occupation should be widened and that we should occupy dole offices and Leinster house and that his/her parents really believed in what he was doing.

4.6 A member expressed the opinion that s/he loved John Lennon.

4.7 A member expressed the opinion that people stop messing.

4.8 A member proposed that the soup line direct action be discussed next week at a GA

4.9 A member informed the assembly that s/he had a number of proposals for expanding to around the city and suggested that the movement pool resources and set up a shop.  The member stressed that the movement must expand the occupation.

5.0 Working Group Reports

5.1 A member of the food group spoke about how the kitchen was rebuilt and how it was very good. The member also requested that volunteers were needed and that the shifts for the food group were 4 hours long. The shifts are 8–12, 12-4, 4-8 and 8-12. The member informed the GA that if people want to volunteer to talk to him/her after the meeting and stressed that the movement is non hierarchical.

5.2 A member expressed the opinion that the construction group had done a very good job.

5.3 No one from the Construction group was present to make a report.

5.4 No one from the Media group was present to make a report.

5.5 A member suggested that the media group re-establish a media centre in the camp.

5.6 A member spoke about how the media group is responsible for issuing press releases and publicising events.

5.7 The facilitator spoke briefly about what the facilitation group does.

5.8 A member of the outreach group spoke about what the outreach group does, going to different areas to put up posters and said that people could email the movement if they wanted to be involved.

5.9 A member expressed the opinion that the environment group needed to do more and to achieve better recycling and water use.

6.0 Announcements

6.1 It was announced that the environment group would have a meeting at 7:30 pm

6.2 It was announced that there would be a GA about education tomorrow, Saturday November 19th.

6.3 It was announced that the environment group meeting is about greening the camp and green energy.

6.4 A member expressed the opinion that the media people should “get [their] arse in gear.”

6.5 A member asked what time the assembly tomorrow would be held and was answered 6 o’clock.

7.0 Assembly closed. ­­­­­

Household Tax:

Initially: €100 per annum.

Commercial properties, exempt.

From 1st January.

3 months to pay.

Expected to rise to €1,200 per annum in a few years

Facts taken from Irish Times fact sheet.


“____” – Implies speakers.

“Should be opposed, not that contentious”

“Campaign advocating non-payment is beginning”

“Tax is voluntary. No compels you to pay tax. This tax is stealing money from us”

“Support not paying. Excuse to introduce more taxes”

“Interesting opportunity. Approx 100 meetings happened already. Take example of



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General Assembly Minutes Wednesday 16 November 2011 6pm (started 6.20pm)

Facilitators:                  Ania / Padraig


  1.                          Safer Space Policy
  2.                          Agenda Items for the week
  3.                          A.O.B.


  1.                          Reading out of safer space policy


  • ·              Watertight but has to be enforced and how is that going to be enforced.
  • ·              Medieval stocks to punish people.
  • ·              Correction:                  all decisions related to core values of ODS to be made @ GA
  • ·              Amendment:                  to say in-house and GA
  • ·              Should also be some autonomy for working groups? GA reviews decisions.                 
  • ·              Not about decision-making but about safety.


All decisions ODS will be made at GA and in-house meeting.

Comment:                                    point made that; groups should be allowed make decisions, with a view that this amendment would be                                     broken immediately.

-               Brought back to safe space policy

Future GA’s:

Look again at decision-making process

Amendment:                  all decisions can be brought to the GA. Groups can act autonomously.

All decisions can be made by the GA. All housekeeping can be carried out by groups.

Take paragraph out regarding decision-making process – agreement

Reminder that this is about health and safety and not the decision making process.

Question:                  Can decisions be appealed to GA?

Answer:                  nothing to do with D.M.P.

Amendment:                  add the word equal (paragraph 4) take out paragraph relating to D.M.P.

Example:                  If nothing is happening can people take issues to the GA?

Language covers this.

Consensus reached 

Smoking Issue:

No smoking is the kitchen and covered areas.

Un-enforceable in open/outdoor spaces. Moot point as it is not illegal.

It is about mutual respect.

Common sense.


Safer Space Policy agreed as read out, excluding the paragraph relating to decision-making process.

Amendment: no smoking in indoor communal areas.

Add similar phrase to “no alcohol/drugs challenged and actively supported”

Consensus Reached.


Should there be a ‘strike’ system for misdemeanours?

SSP provides the base but you need some form of grievance structure to deal with issues. Hierarchy of issues i.e. smoking not the same as hitting.

Proposal for grievance structure to be worked out within sub-group.

Comment:                  are we building the same structures as the have been in place before?

Disagreement:                                    Having a leaderless movement does not mean you don’t have                                                       rules. There should be rules and guidelines.

Don’t turn this in to a bureaucracy.

This is about truth and social justice, need for rules and guidelines.

Not everyone practises common sense.

Needs to be a safe place where everyone can feel welcome all the time.

Semantics? Time wasting.

Concern:                  that GA is turning into a talk shop. Bring it back to the issues.

Stop over complicating.

Need to come up with a way of not over complicating.


2 suggestions for the future

  1. Get rid of over abused direct responses
  2. If you have spoken before you go to the bottom of the list.

Clarify all hand signals at beginning at the start of GA.


Themes for GA:

  1. Have GA on decision making process and discuss how they are made.
  2. Have direct actions focus after AOB. What is a direct action
  • Tuesday tri-colour at Ireland game
  • Flash mobs
  • Handing out flyers

GA often packed so a group should be set up and makes proposals to the GA.

  1. Discuss the campaign on House Hold Charges.
  2. Occupy flash mob for trinity tomorrow.
  3. How people are greeted when they arrive at camp.
  4. GA on education/fees and call for students to occupy their collages.


  1. Tomorrow: decision making process
  2. Friday: Household Charges
  3. Sat: Education and flash mobs

Suggestion to what we’re doing and are more welcoming to everyone. Make it global.


Any other Business:

Friday 7.30pm Environmental Meeting

Direct Action – more flyers required for areas outside the camp, Dame Street.

Keep training people on consensus and processes of the camp for newcomers.

Clarify: 6pm GA mainly for decision-making.

Reach out to unemployed

Question? Is there a march this Saturday?

Answer: NO

Outreach Meeting 2 pm Friday

Alternate meeting times.

Direct Action: Soup kitchen outside the Dail weekly

Call for better construction to make camp more welcoming, maybe tie in with Environmental. Critical to appeal to more people and show our professionalism.

Guidelines need to be printed for Security Group.

Security fence to also be made point of information.

Security Rota required. Section on website of things that need to be done and when people can come and help.

Shelter being made to make camp more open.

Thursday morning 9am, build team coming to construct kitchen. Help needed.






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#OccupyDameStreet General Assembly 6pm 14th of November 2011

Facilitators: Dave & Moira

1. Safer Space Policy
2. DCTU March
3. AOB

Brief Introductions were given to Occupy Dame Street and working groups. Consensus Decision Making process was explained and Hand Signals were introduced, as was Step Forward/Step Back policy. In addition attendees were reminded to be respectful, to speak through the process and not over each other, and asked to “Play the ball, and not the Player” when raising points.

1) Safer Space Policy
The following proposed Safer Space Policy was raised by Camp Residents and read out into the minutes, with discussion, approval and adoption to happen at the next evening General Assembly (6pm Tuesday 15th):

Occupy Dame Street Safer Space Policy

Occupy Dame Street asks you to be responsible in making this space a comfortable and positive one. We believe that everyone within this space should feel empowered to challenge aggressive and oppressive behaviour. Your actions have an effect on the collective environment and others around you. We ask that everyone reads and adheres to the following:

All decisions concerning Occupy Dame Street are made collectively at the General Assemblies – a forum for the equal participation of all.

There are various forms of inequality embedded within our society. As a community which seeks to build power and gain momentum through consensus-based decision-making and respectful social relations, we stand in opposition to the way in which our society privileges some people over others.

As part of a movement seeking progressive social change, we recognise the necessity to address and challenge the various forms of oppression that are a part of society’s current structures – rather than re-produce them.

Any form of discrimination based on actual or perceived race, class, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, education, nationality, religion, ethnicity, physical size, shape or abilities will be challenged and people will be actively supported in challenging such behaviour. Occupy Dame Street is a space for peaceful and respectful dialogue.

Within the global Occupy movement, each individual is encouraged to represent themselves. However, anyone associated with any group that would explicitly seek to deny the voice and rights of other social groups will not be welcomed here, as their presence automatically makes the space exclusionary and unsafe for others – this applies particularly to racists, fascist and neo-nazi groups.

Occupy Dame Street endorses a policy of non-violent direct action. While recognising the right to self-defence, the camp will attempt wherever possible to use non-violent techniques to diffuse violent situations.

Respect people’s physical and emotional boundaries. Be aware that you can’t know what people’s boundaries are without asking them. What’s comfortable for you may not be comfortable for others.

In the case of any physical or sexual harrassment or assault, we recognise the offended person’s full right to immediately inform whichever authorities and services they see fit or to have someone do so on their behalf.

No alcohol or drugs are to be consumed in this space – out of respect for the camp and the wider public. Working in any role on the camp while under the influence of alcohol or drugs will not be tolerated. Be aware that although you may be comfortable working under the influence of any such substances, others may not be comfortable with this.

Stress, fatigue and burnout are all potential risks in the day-to-day running of this camp. It is important to be aware of our own personal limits and respect and look out for those of others.

As a movement striving to organise non-hierarchically, it is crucial that we rotate working roles within the camp, share tasks, responsibilities and opportunities and ensure that everyone has the chance to participate fully – creatively, physically and intellectually.

We have a responsibility to store and use equipment safely and securely. This goes for the built structures on-site also. Everyone should feel entitled to raise concerns or seek assistance in relation to this.

We must recognise the limits to what this space can do or provide. Social issues such as homelessness or addiction should be seen in all their complexity, and we should acknowledge that we do not have the capacity to provide the full care and support that many in our society are deprived of.

Camping out in winter is not for everyone, nor does everyone have the time and resources to do so. Nonetheless this space is here as a platform for political discussion and organisation for everyone – everyone should feel they have a right to participate to whatever degree is possible for them in Occupy Dame Street.

2) DCTU March
At the start of this discussion the Facilitators proposed that as “Direct Response’ hand signals had been abused in the last two discussions on this subject, and that as essentially all responses during this discussion were some form of direct response to points already raised, that the “Direct Response” hand signal would not be used for this portion of the General Assembly. All persons wishing to speak would raise their hand in the normal fashion, their names would be noted by the facilitators, and they would be called upon in strict chronological order. This was approved by consensus.

The Facilitators also proposed that as there were already four separate proposals that had emerged from previous General Assemblies to be discussed that if consensus was not reached on one then the GA would move on to discuss the next proposal, rather then seeking amendments to the original proposal. This was approved by consensus.

The four proposals were read out to the General Assembly, and circulated amongst the crowd in hard copy form.

Proposal #1
ODS participates in the march and:
- in the planning process, makes sure that the march has some of the ODS characteristics (e.g. human mic, carnival atmosphere, family march etc.)
- that there is a separate ODS “contingent” in the march (reason for that being that participation in the march does not mean that ODS becomes a part of anything)
- there is input from ODS about the demands of the march

that ODS does not take part in the march

People from ODS participate in the march but as individuals

ODS has its usual march on Sat, 26th Nov, on its usual terms

The Proposers of each Proposal were invited to read out their proposal. Nobody was willing to speak on behalf of Proposal #2, so the facilitators read this one out. Two amendments were proposed to the Proposals by their original proposers, as the minuted versions did not accurately reflect their intention.

Proposal #3 should have read: “People from ODS are free to attend the march as individuals and members of the march are welcome at ODS afterwards for an open forum”. This clarification was approved by consensus and all further discussion on Proposal #3 was based on this revised wording.

Proposal #4 should have to read: “ODS will have a march on Sat, 26th November, on its usual terms. This march will meet up with the DCTU march at some stage along the route, and then separate again before it reaches its final destination, the ODS contingent returning to Dame Street. Union marchers will be invited to Dame Street at the end of their march”. This clarification was approved by consensus and all further discussion on Proposal #4 was based on this revised wording.

Facilitators proposed to discuss the four proposals carried forward from the last General Assembly on this subject in the order they appeared in the minutes. This was approved by Consensus.

Proposal #1 was discussed for ninety minutes, and approximately 30 people spoke for and against each proposal, including members of DCTU, SIPTU, Camp Residents and members of the General Public.

As the discussion drew to a close, and before facilitators looked for consensus, the use of Objections/Stand Asides and Blocks and the difference between the two was explained once again.

As Proposal #1 had three separate components the facilitators proposed to seek consensus on the first part, and if that was reached then to seek consensus on the second and third components separately. Consensus was not reached on this, and so Proposal #1 was treated in its entirety. Facilitators then looked for consensus on the Proposal itself, first calling for Objections/Stand asides, and these were noted. Facilitators then called for Blocks, reminding the GA that if only a single Block or two were used the Facilitators would ask those blocking to stand forward and explain their objections to see if another route to consensus could be reached, but that if a significant number of blocks were used than the GA would move on to the next proposal. As a significant number of blocks were used consensus could not be reached, and so discussion moved on to the next proposal.

A Technical Point was raised suggesting that rather than addressing the Proposals in the order they appeared in the minutes, they should be addressed in order of decreasing participation. This was put to the GA and approved by consensus, and the GA then turned to address Proposal #4.

A number of speakers spoke for and against the Proposal with arguments echoing those in  the discussion surrounding Proposal #1. At the end Facilitators looked for consensus on the Proposal, calling for Objections/Stand asides, and these were noted. Facilitators then called for Blocks, and as a significant number of blocks were used consensus could not be reached, and so discussion moved on to the next proposal.

Proposal #3, that “People from ODS are free to attend the march as individuals and members of the march are welcome at ODS afterwards for an open forum” was then discussed, with a small number of speakers raising points. At the end Facilitators looked for consensus on the Proposal, calling for Objections/Stand asides, and these were noted. Facilitators then called for Blocks, and none were used. Facilitators then looked for approvals and consensus was reached on this proposal.

As consensus had been reached on this proposal, Facilitators suggested that Proposal #2 not be addressed. Consensus was reached on this.

ODS thus officially adopted the following proposal on the subject of the DCTU march, that “People from ODS are free to attend the march as individuals and members of the march are welcome at ODS afterwards for an open forum”

3) Any Other Business

a) A request for ODS to march in Wednesday’s student protest was made. A proposal to hold this over for discussion on Tuesday’s 6pm GA was made, and this was approved by consensus.

b) The GA was informed that a new Treasurer was needed within the next 24 hours, and so interested parties were asked to come forward.

c) A person from Claiming our Future spoke briefly about their movement

d) Given the significant number of Blocks used by a core group of people at the GA, it was suggested that these people get involved in the Outreach working group so that their concerns could be addressed at the start of any future relationship with an external group, in the hope that this
would help consensus be reached in future discussions.

Action Items for Tuesday’s 6pm General Assembly
1) Discussion of Safer Space Policy
2) Discussion of proposal to march in Wednesday’s Student Protest

Please note the minutes posted on 15th November were slightly updated later on 15th November. The only change is that where the phrase “Members of ODS” appeared this has been changed to “People from ODS” as this is the wording that was used during the General Assembly.



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