Today activists from #OccupyDameStreet occupied the Bank of Ireland in O’Connell Street, Dublin.
We took this action of peaceful protest to raise awareness to bond payments made in the last few days.
€250 million on behalf of Bank of Ireland on Friday.
€300 million on behalf of Anglo on Sunday.
€625 million on behalf of Bank of Ireland on Sunday.
Every month hundreds of millions of euros from the Irish people go to anonymous bondholders.
Bondwatch website
Ballyhea marching for 73 week since March 6th 2011
Ballyhea bondholder bailout protest facebook page
At 3am this morning, Wednesday 8th March, exactly five months to the
day since #OccupyDameStreet was established, the area around the
Central Bank Plaza was cordoned off by upwards of 100 Gardai while the
#OccupyDameStreet Camp was destroyed and its residents evicted. Up to
fifteen camp residents were forcibly removed from their huts and
prevented from retrieving their personal belongings, as the wooden
kitchen and twelve sleeping huts were broken up with construction
equipment and carried away in lorries.
As dawn broke over Dame Street this morning, and despite the efforts
of the Gardai and the Central Bank to sweep away any trace of the
struggles this street has seen these last five months, we were still
Born on October 8th, 2011, #OccupyDameStreet remained one of the
longest running protests active continuously in the same location in
the global Occupy Movement. Bound together by themes of social justice
and equality, #OccupyDameStreet has made four key demands:
1) That the IMF and ECB stay out of the affairs of Ireland
2) That the burden of private bank debt be lifted from the public’s shoulders
3) That Ireland’s natural gas and oil reserves be returned to sovereign control
4) That a system of real, participatory Democracy be introduced in Ireland
Despite the actions of the Central Bank and An Garda Síochána, we
remain no less committed to these goals, if anything our resolve is
even stronger.
#OccupyDameStreet is not just a camp, not just a series of tents and
wooden pallets, not just the street on which we gathered to discuss,
debate and learn, not just the vision of an alternative Ireland based
on fairness, equality and justice that we presented.
#OccupyDameStreet is the people, the people who gave up so much of
themselves for those who could not, the people who camped and the
people who came, the people who fed and clothed us, the people who
simply stopped by with a kind word of encouragement or those who
supported us from afar.
#OccupyDameStreet is the people. It is all of us, and we are the 99%
The Camp may be gone, but the Movement continues.
We are #OccupyDameStreet.
“Don’t tell your children you sat back and did nothing”
This week three unsecured senior bond repayments of taxpayers money will have made to failed gamblers:
€ 864,553,314 to AIB on Monday
€ 2,200,000 to IL&P and € 5,870,000 to IL&P on Tuesday
€ 10,000,000 BoI on Wednesday.
A total of €882,623,314 in one week.
Meantime we need to pay property taxes, levies, water taxes ….accept the closing of hospitals and nursing homes, cuts in special need education, paid-cuts, etc, etc.
Wednesday the 22nd of February 2012
Join at 11am at #OccupyDameStreet camp to help prepare placards.
1pm at Dail Eireann, Kildare Street, Dublin 2
Three floors of music featuring some of Dublins finest acts:
Here’s some of the sounds you’ll be hearing on the night:
T-Woc> Alphabet set
System Reset >Clinical Chaos
Hunch Beek> Interosonix
Tommy Rash
Occupy Dame Street is a leaderless resistance movement with people of many nationalities, backgrounds, genders and political persuasions. This movement is sister to Occupy Wall Street and all other occupations in the wider Occupy movement. This is a non-partisan movement.
The success of the October 15th has triggered an unprecedented momentum for global action. Both developed and developing countries around the world must unite in our struggle for real democracy and basic human rights as we are all subject to the same corrupt global system that favours greed over needs.
Let’s act in solidarity on this symbolic day as a culmination of this amazing year of protests, from the Arab Spring, to the May 15th movement, to the Occupy movement… and on to 2012!
Join us at the Garden of Remembrance on Saturday the 10th of December 2011 at 2pm.
Summary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights:
1. Everyone is free and we should all be treated in the same way.
2. Everyone is equal despite differences in skin colour, sex, religion, and language.
3. Everyone has the right to life and to live in freedom and safety.
4. No one has the right to treat you as a slave nor should you make anyone your slave.
5. No one has the right to hurt you or to torture you.
6. Everyone has the right to be treated equally by the law.
7. The law is the same for everyone. It should be applied in the same way to all.
8. Everyone has the right to ask for legal help when their rights are not respected.
9. No one has the right to imprison you unjustly or expel you from your own country.
10. Everyone has the right to a fair and public trial.
11. Everyone should be considered innocent until guilt is proved.
12. Every one has the right to ask for help if someone tries to harm you.
13. Everyone has the right to travel as they wish.
14. Everyone has the right to go to another country and ask for protection if they are being persecuted.
15. Everyone has the right to belong to a country.
16. Everyone has the right to marry and have a family.
17. Everyone has the right to own property and possessions.
18. Everyone has the right to practice and observe all aspects of their own religion and change their religion if they want to.
19. Everyone has the right to say what they think and to give and receive information.
20. Everyone has the right to take part in meetings and to join associations in a peaceful way.
21. Everyone has the right to help choose and take part in the government of their country.
22. Everyone has the right to social security and to opportunities to develop their skills.
23. Everyone has the right to work for a fair wage in a safe environment and to join a trade union.
24. Everyone has the right to rest and leisure.
25. Everyone has the right to an adequate standard of living and medical help if they are ill.
26. Everyone has the right to go to school.
27. Everyone has the right to share in their community’s cultural life.
28. Everyone must respect the ‘social order’ that is necessary for all these rights to be available.
29. Everyone must respect the rights of others, the community and public property.
30. No one has the right to take away any of the rights in this declaration.
No political PARTY Literature or banners / No Violence / No Drugs / No Alcohol
In response to the general assembly held last Friday, there will be a briefing today at 13:00 and again at 18:00 about how to implement direct actions planned for the coming week. All those wanting to take part in planned direct actions are advised to attend either or both #occupydamestreet
Dublin-based street artist CANVAZ has created a new piece to celebrate
#OccupyDameStreet. Drawing on the familiar street signs of Dublin
City, he calls out for all streets to be Occupied in 2011! Keep an eye
out for this new work to make an appearance soon at the Camp and
around Dublin, and it is also available as a .PDF for you to download
from anewspace here . If you have an idea
for artwork to support or promote #OccupyDameStreet, or want to come
down to the camp and brighten up our surroundings with a bit of paint
and some imagination, please contact us through this site or at
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#OccupyDameStreet is a people’s movement, which stands in solidarity with and is inspired by over 1,400 ( 15/10/11) sister occupations in the evolving global movement initiated by the people of Iceland, Greece, Spain, and the Arab Spring. We use tactics of non-violence akin to scenes of peaceful resistance in Tahrir Square and Wall Street. This is a diverse people’s initiative, unaffiliated with any political parties. We are the 99%. We stand together against political and economic corruption. We stand for equality and social justice. This is a "leaderless resistance movement" with people of many nationalities, backgrounds, genders and political persuasions.