Safer Space Policy
Occupy Dame Street asks you to be responsible in making this space a comfortable and positive one. We believe that everyone within this space should feel empowered to challenge aggressive and oppressive behaviour. Your actions have an effect on the collective environment and others around you. We ask that everyone reads and adheres to the following:
There are various forms of inequality embedded within our society. As a community which seeks to build power and gain momentum through consensus-based decision-making and respectful social relations, we stand in opposition to the way in which our society privileges some people over others.
As part of a movement seeking progressive social change, we recognise the necessity to address and challenge the various forms of oppression that are a part of society’s current structures – rather than re-produce them.
Any form of discrimination based on actual or perceived race, class, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, education, nationality, religion, ethnicity, physical size, shape or abilities will be challenged and people will be actively supported in challenging such behaviour. Occupy Dame Street is a space for peaceful and respectful dialogue.
Within the global Occupy movement, each individual is encouraged to represent themselves. However, anyone associated with any group that would explicitly seek to deny the voice and rights of other social groups will not be welcomed here, as their presence automatically makes the space exclusionary and unsafe for others – this applies particularly to racists, fascist and neo-nazi groups.
Occupy Dame Street endorses a policy of non-violent direct action. While recognising the right to self-defence, the camp will attempt wherever possible to use non-violent techniques to diffuse violent situations.
Respect people’s physical and emotional boundaries. Be aware that you can’t know what people’s boundaries are without asking them. What’s comfortable for you may not be comfortable for others.
In the case of any physical or sexual harrassment or assault, we recognise the offended person’s full right to immediately inform whichever authorities and services they see fit or to have someone do so on their behalf.
No alcohol or drugs are to be consumed in this space – out of respect for the camp and the wider public. Working in any role on the camp while under the influence of alcohol or drugs will not be tolerated. No smoking in indoor communal areas. Be aware that although you may be comfortable working under the influence of any such substances, others may not be comfortable with this. Any violation of these policies will be challenged and people will be actively supported in challenging such violations.
Stress, fatigue and burnout are all potential risks in the day-to-day running of this camp. It is important to be aware of our own personal limits and respect and look out for those of others.
As a movement striving to organise non-hierarchically, it is crucial that we rotate working roles within the camp, share tasks, responsibilities and opportunities and ensure that everyone has the chance to participate fully – creatively, physically and intellectually.
We have a responsibility to store and use equipment safely and securely. This goes for the built structures on-site also. Everyone should feel entitled to raise concerns or seek assistance in relation to this.
We must recognise the limits to what this space can do or provide. Social issues such as homelessness or addiction should be seen in all their complexity, and we should acknowledge that we do not have the capacity to provide the full care and support that many in our society are deprived of.
Camping out in winter is not for everyone, nor does everyone have the time and resources to do so. Nonetheless this space is here as a platform for political discussion and organisation for everyone – everyone should feel they have a right to participate to whatever degree is possible for them in Occupy Dame Street.
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