Christy Moore, a veteran supporter of activism and protest, will be visiting the ongoing occupation of the Central Bank Plaza on Monday the 14th November at approximately 2pm.  Moore has endorsed a long list of causes, ranging from El Salvador to Mary Robinson in the 1990 Presidential Election. At the Glastonbury Festival in 2005 he sang about the Palestinian solidarity activist Rachel Corrie.

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Chisty Moore standing in solidarity, 5.6 out of 10 based on 14 ratings

4 Responses to Chisty Moore standing in solidarity

  1. Dublin99 says:

    Up the game with the website folks. We need regular updates and information.

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  2. Colm says:

    Fair play to Christy!

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  3. Christy Moore At Occupy Dame Street | says:

    [...] Christy Moore Standing In Solidarity (occupydamestreet) [...]

  4. Annie says:

    Hope you’re gonna get this on the live cam :)

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